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Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Facebook Friend Is A Friend Indeed!

...well that's what Mark Zukerberg wants us to believe, and with more than 500 million users taking on the social networking bandwagon, that seems to be the case. But is it about networking , socialising or socialising for networking ? I know I sometimes talk ( or write ) nonsense.
Back to Ubuntu.
There's a very interesting application in the 'Ubuntu Software Center' that builds a graph out of your social network.Its called 'Facebook Friends Graph'. Installation is pretty straight-forward. Just search for the package 'fbfriendsgraph' and install it.
It works its way by creating an undirectional graph connecting nodes representing your friends. A mutual relationship between your friends is what forms an edge of this graph. Enough of discrete structures now . A pretty simple algorithm , though.
The graph creation is a pretty resource intensive process. Well, that's what the application warns you about before creating the graph. So , if you are a very 'friendly' guy, be ready to wait for that portable network graphics image to load. Did you know what the acronym 'png' stood for ?

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