'Icepodder' lets you to subscribe to your favorite podcasts and download them with ease.It has a pretty "cool" interface.To get you started,some podcast feeds are provided by default.To add a new feed,click on the 'Tools' menu and then on 'Add a Feed'.Just provide the feed URL in a window that follows and get ready for some listening pleasure.'Icepodder' updates all your feeds in two modes:'Catch-up' and 'Check all' (under the 'Tools' menu).'Check all' looks for updates of all the subscribed feeds and 'Catch-Up' skips all but the top item in each feed.
A download scheduler is also provided that allows you to schedule the feed updates and downloads.'Icepodder' can be scheduled to update feeds after a particular interval of time or at specific times.It all gets pretty easy with 'Icepodder'.

Feeds can also be imported or exported through OMPL files under the 'File' menu.'Preferences' can also be set under the 'File' menu.Here,you can configure the default download location,enable an option to play podcats right after download and also choose the default podcast player.

'Icepodder' provides an efficient feed management system and can be installed using this Debian package.Launch it from the 'Sound and Video' menu.
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