To get all your C/C++,JAVA and other programs compile and run in ubuntu 8.04/Linux use CODE::BLOCKS 8.02.
CODE::BLOCKS is an open source,cross platform IDE.It is highly configurable.Download the codeblocks 8.02 and libcodeblocks debian packages and install them.Let it install all the dependencies itself.For compiling your programs you need to have g++ compiler installed.Go to the synaptic package manager and search for g++.Mark it for installation.Similarly,if you want to compile JAVA programs install the latest version of JAVA from the synaptic package manager.
Now go to the Programming Section in the Applications menu and open CODE::BLOCKS or press ALT+F2 and enter codeblocks.The interface gives you the options to create new projects,report bugs etc.But to compile and run a simple C/C++ program ,press shift+control+n.First of all save the untitled file with the name of your program and the extension (.c,.cpp etc.).Now,start editing the file.After completing the editing press shift+control+f9 (compile from Build menu) and then to run the program press control+F10 (run from the Build menu).If compiled without any errors , the program would run in a terminal window.
You can keep on configuring CODE::BLOCKS according to your needs.CODE:BLOCKS supports various plug ins that can be managed from the Plug ins menu.New plug ins can be added to increase the functionality of the program.From changing the environment,layout splash screens,looks to choosing the default compiler,everything can be configured according to needs of the users.Let us leave the more advanced features for the more experienced programmers.
More Information:www.codeblocks.org , info@codeblocks.org
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