assoGiate is full featured FILE TYPES EDITOR. On opening this editor , a large database of different file formats is displyed. There is a pane displaying different categories on the left side of the window.
Clicking on a particular category displays the files associated with that category. To edit the properties of a particular filetype,just double click on the file format or right click and then edit.
Under the general tab you can edit the description and the default icon.Under other tabs you can add other file names related to that particular typeand even add xml elements.
There are options to import and export file types (xml) under the Database menu.The option of finding a particular file types is also present.
Why Should you Install it : This application can come in handy in case some filetypes are not correctly identified. Sometimes this can happen if you install JAVA to run the applications which require JAVA installed in the system.This can be used to display correct icons with various filetypes(like the JAVA icon) or even according to you wish.
INSTALLATION : Go to the SYNAPTIC PACKAGE MANAGER and search for assogiate (section editors universe),Make sure that the universe repository ( in the settings menu) is enabled and up to date (otherwise reload).Mark assoGiate for installation.
MENU: Applications>>System Tools>>File Types Editor.
Developer Information:Copyright © 2007 Kevin Daughtridge
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